
Consultation Reports expand_less

Chairs and UNITWIN Network

Other Stakeholders

Policy Briefs expand_less

Chairs and UNITWIN Network

picture_as_pdf Catedra UNESCO de Comunicacion y Valores Educativos, Universidad del Pais Vasco.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair - UNITWIN - SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME .pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social - Indigenous.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social - Knowledge Mobilization.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social - Leave no one behind.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social - Social Responsibility.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair in Information Communication and Technology, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair in OER, Athabasca University.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair on Educational Ecosystems for Equity and Quality of Learning.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair on global education, Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair on Open Education, Uruguay.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair on Population Migrations ad Development .pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair on Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development, Global Food.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Management of Conservation Areas, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair on the Development of Inter-Religious Dialogue Studies in the Islamic World at the University of Kufa.pdf picture_as_pdf UNESCO Chair, Tanzania.pdf picture_as_pdf UNITWIN Network for Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity.pdf picture_as_pdf UNITWIN UNESCO Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity.pdf

Other Stakeholders

picture_as_pdf Acciones artisticas para las Transformaciones sociales - Ayuntamiento Alcora.pdf picture_as_pdf Africa Centers of Excellence Project (ACEP) -Ogunleye .pdf picture_as_pdf BRIDGING YESTERDAY TO TOMORROW - German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).pdf picture_as_pdf Community engagement in HED - Corporate author.pdf picture_as_pdf Coordination Group Global Policy Dialogue.pdf picture_as_pdf Development Diplomacy - a transformational teaching and learning approach in Higher Education to building competences and skills for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS).pdf picture_as_pdf ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND AWARENESS THROUGH WALLCHART- Nwachukwu.pdf picture_as_pdf EU-LAC_Ciencia_Abierta_ES.pdf picture_as_pdf EU-LAC_Open_Science_EN.pdf picture_as_pdf Global dimension of recognition-ENIC_NARIC.pdf picture_as_pdf HE Institutions as drivers for urban development picture_as_pdf Institutionalisation of service learning in HE -AramburuzabaIa.pdf picture_as_pdf Internationalization in MENA _Center for Mediterranean Integration.pdf picture_as_pdf Our common future for different subjects_Italian universities alliance.pdf picture_as_pdf PHD PROGRAMS IN AFRICA - THE ARROWS, THE TARGETS AND THE ARCHERS.pdf picture_as_pdf Plan E for Education - R Heller.pdf picture_as_pdf Principles&Guidelines to Strengthen the Social Dimension of HE in the European Area-Scukanec.pdf picture_as_pdf Promises&perils of new technologies to improve education and employment_Brookings Institution.pdf picture_as_pdf SERVICE LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION-Institute for development of ED &Malmo University.pdf picture_as_pdf Supporting research and education stakeholders in meeting SDGs-Publishers Compact Fellows.pdf picture_as_pdf The Challenges and Lessons Learned from Digital Education in Higher Education Institutions in Portugal and Brazil from the breakup of COVID-19.pdf picture_as_pdf The Continuing Need for Internationalization of Higher Education.pdf picture_as_pdf TOWARDS AN INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE POLICY IN HIGHER EDUCATION - TOWARDS AN INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE POLICY IN HIGHER EDUCATION.pdf picture_as_pdf TRANSFORMATION THROUGH INTERNATIONALISATION - European Commission.pdf picture_as_pdf Transforming Higher Education Through Indigenous Community-led Innovations -Brennan Ahmed.pdf picture_as_pdf Uni Ramon Llull-NetworksPartnershipsEnvironements_EN.pdf picture_as_pdf Uni Ramon Llull-RedesAlianzasEntornos.pdf picture_as_pdf UP_UNICAMP-MOBILITE DES ETUDIANTS PENDANT LA CRISE SANITAIRE.pdf

UNESCO Institutes expand_less

Pre-existing Open Knowledge Products expand_less

picture_as_pdf 1. Retos educativos durante la pandemia de COVID-19- una encuesta a profesores de la UNAM.pdf picture_as_pdf 2. Los retos educativos durante la pandemia de COVID-19- segunda encuesta a profesoras y profesores de la UNAM.pdf picture_as_pdf 3. UNAM Transicion de los profesores de la UNAM a la educacion remota de emergencia durante la pandemia.pdf picture_as_pdf 4. UNAM Educacion Remota y Digital durante la pandemia.pdf picture_as_pdf 5. UNAM Recomendaciones Evaluacion a distancia.pdf picture_as_pdf Aportes de la sociedad civil a la WHEC -FCM.pdf picture_as_pdf ASEM-National Equity Policies in HE.pdf picture_as_pdf Centre de Recherches Internationales & Strategiques Maroc.pdf picture_as_pdf HE as a factor for the development of human capital - Institute for Strategy of ED Development - Russian Academy of Education.pdf picture_as_pdf Higher education and the COVID-19 pandemic.pdf picture_as_pdf IAU_Global_Survey_Report_HE One Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic.pdf picture_as_pdf Inclusion & Research in HE -Red-IIPEM.pdf picture_as_pdf Informe IBERONEX La Inclusion en la Educacion Superior.pdf picture_as_pdf Lessons-COVID19-Universitat de Barcelona.pdf picture_as_pdf Lithuanian College of Democracy - Europe where are you going LT.pdf picture_as_pdf Lithuanian College of Democracy - Europe where are you going.pdf picture_as_pdf Lithuanian College of Democracy - The radical school.pdf picture_as_pdf Lithuanian College of Democracy - Youth mobility LT.pdf picture_as_pdf Lithuanian College of Democracy - Youth mobility.pdf picture_as_pdf Manual Outliers School.pdf picture_as_pdf Policy Statement on Open Access -Education International.pdf picture_as_pdf Public policy guidelines for HE in Brazil - Semesp ENG.pdf picture_as_pdf Public policy guidelines for HE in Brazil - Semesp SPA.pdf picture_as_pdf RMIT Activator_Impact Agency.pdf picture_as_pdf ThePromiseOfHigherEducation -IAU.pdf picture_as_pdf Trade Routes 2022 Program .pdf picture_as_pdf Trade Routes presentation pack_First Nations Futures_UNESCOpdf.pdf picture_as_pdf Universidad mas alla de la enseñanza remota de emergencia - Outliers School.pdf

Open Knowledge Products expand_less

picture_as_pdf 1 Educacion orientada a la empresa Planeta Formacion y Universidades.pdf picture_as_pdf 2 Innovacion educativa Planeta Formacion y Universidades.pdf picture_as_pdf 3 ODS y Educacion Superior-Planeta Formacion y Universidades.pdf picture_as_pdf A Nexus Approach to Professional Development Regarding Quality Education Leaving No One Behind In Upskilling And Reskilling picture_as_pdf Accreditation of HE-Kazakhstan 2020.pdf picture_as_pdf Advancing Universal Access to Quality Digital Learning Through Global Coalitions and Narrative Practices-OLC 2022.pdf picture_as_pdf ARC8 Outlook Report 2030 Inclusive and Diverse Higher Education in Asia and Europe.pdf picture_as_pdf Assessing Higher Education Students Generic Skills.pdf picture_as_pdf Can Education be changed in time for millennials-Chris Macrae.pdf picture_as_pdf Curso abierto de Literacidad critica-Universidad de Guadalajara_Castaneda.pdf picture_as_pdf Diccionario Competencias Emprendedoras No Cognitivas en Estudiantes de Educacion Superior_Canales-Poo, Sepulveda, Anguera & Navarro, 2022.pdf picture_as_pdf Documento declaracion de Montevideo.pdf picture_as_pdf Droits du vivant dans l ed superieur- C. Regad C. Riot.pdf picture_as_pdf Embedding SDGs in HE_Universitat Rovira i Virgili_Seto.pdf picture_as_pdf Employment&Employability of HE graduates India-Mona Khare.pdf picture_as_pdf Enseignement superieur en France_Dorsi et al.pdf picture_as_pdf ESD-Simon Bolivar Uni.pdf picture_as_pdf Espana-SIIU- Informe de variables Socioeconomicas de los estudiantes universitarios.pdf picture_as_pdf Experiencias integracion universitaria regional -Red CIDIR.pdf picture_as_pdf EXPLORER L AVENIR POUR UNE UNIVERSITE AFRICAINE DURABLE - IRD.pdf picture_as_pdf Financiamiento Educacion Superior en Colombia-Ramon Javier Mesa Callejas.pdf picture_as_pdf Food literacy in HE health programs-University of Lleida & Ramon Llull.pdf picture_as_pdf Future of HE as a resonance space for society_Stark.pdf picture_as_pdf Hacia una nueva didactica - Gonzalez&Duque.pdf picture_as_pdf Higher education associations_supporting the development of international higher education partnerships to accelerate progress towards the SDGs -IAU AUF ACU.pdf picture_as_pdf Hiperaula_Universidad ISALUD.pdf picture_as_pdf Horizontes de equidad_Universidad JFK Argentina.pdf picture_as_pdf Huawei ICT Education Talent Ecosystem.pdf picture_as_pdf Human-Centered based Heutagogical Approach-Munir Moosa.pdf picture_as_pdf IAP - UNESCO Knowledge Sharing.pdf picture_as_pdf IAU Horizons Vol.27.1 [EN]_V6_DIGITAL.pdf picture_as_pdf IAU_Global_Survey_Report_HE One Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic_.pdf picture_as_pdf Impact of Covid19 on HED_Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon.pdf picture_as_pdf Inclusion en el aula y metodologia activas _Universitat RiV & Uni Isabel I.pdf picture_as_pdf Inclusion en la ed superior-Universidad del Litoral.pdf picture_as_pdf Inclusion en la educacion superior - Rivarola_Universidad siglo21.pdf picture_as_pdf Integration Malawian Youth in HE_ETH Zurich.pdf picture_as_pdf International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE).pdf picture_as_pdf LA INICIATIVA PRIVADA COMO OPORTUNIDAD PARA EXPANDIR LA EDUCACION SUPERIOR EN AMERICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE.pdf picture_as_pdf La Institucionalización del enfoque de igualdad de género en universidades de América Latina: Experiencias, reflexiones y contribuciones para el futuro de la educación superior picture_as_pdf LOS DESAFiOS DE LA EDUCACIoN SUPERIOR TeCNICA EN ARGENTINA AL TENOR DEL CUARTO OBJETIVO DE DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE (1).pdf picture_as_pdf Major challenges for study abroad_Dr. Don Martin WHEC2022.pdf picture_as_pdf Online & hybrid learning strategy - Doha Institute for Graduate Studies.pdf picture_as_pdf Outlining the Establishment of a US Qualification Framework - ECE.pdf picture_as_pdf Pasantias Investigativas en modalidad virtual mucho mas que una alternativa a las restricciones a la movilidad por COVID19.pdf picture_as_pdf Reflexion teorica sobre la inclusion en el aula y el uso de las metodologias activas.pdf picture_as_pdf Reforming higher education for sustainability - R Heller.pdf picture_as_pdf Reimagining education- eduCLaaS.pdf picture_as_pdf Report into the National Teaching Repository.pdf picture_as_pdf Research report on impact of food education in nutritional status of children in University Hospital Bon Samaritain-Chad Approach of women empower in high education in low-income countries.pdf picture_as_pdf Responsible and sustainable Innovation_Universitat Rovira i Virgili.pdf picture_as_pdf Revista CIUDAD_PAZANDO.pdf picture_as_pdf Role of international higher education partnerships in contributing to the sustainable development goals.pdf picture_as_pdf Successful HE Continuity Plans Amid&Beyond the Pandemic_University of Sharjah.pdf picture_as_pdf Sustainable HE partnership_Paul_Wilson_2021.pdf picture_as_pdf The e-work - EAA - Silatech - UNDP.pdf picture_as_pdf Trajectory and policies for inclusion in higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of the pandemic picture_as_pdf Transforming higher education in a digital world for the global common good.pdf picture_as_pdf University management through intellectual capital.pdf

Knowledge Products sent by National Commissions expand_less

Consultation Reports

Country Reports

Open Knowledge Products


Youth Knowledge Products expand_less

Videos expand_less

Chairs and UNITWIN Network

Educacion Abierta, Uruguay
Paz Solidaridad y Dialogo Intercultural
Population, Migrations and Development of Sapienza University of Rome
Reorienting Education towards Sustainability
Catedra UNESCO Ciencia e innovacion para el Desarrollo Sostenible Produccion Global de Alimentos y Seguridad Alimentaria
Catedra UNESCO de Educacion a Distancia de la UNED
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Catedras UNESCO en Comunicacion y Cultura de Paz, y de Ciudad, Paisaje y Patrimonio, Universidad de Lima
Escuela Nacional de Conservacion, Restauracion y Museografia

Government entities

Ministry of Research and Universities - Generalitat de Catalunya – Agenda 2030
Ministry of Education - Lithuania

Other Stakeholders

Pre-recorded sessions expand_less

Video Culver World Higher Ed Conf 2022
Transforming higher education in a time of transition
President Weingarten's video address for the WHEC2022
Launch of IAU Horizons - In Focus: Reinventing Higher Education?
How does the pandemic shape the future of higher education?
Symbiosis Master Output
The Role of Higher Education institutions and Students in combating antisemitism on campus
Changing education for the SDGs
Inclusive Higher Education: Gaps and urgently needed interventions
Inclusión en educación superior en América Latina y el Caribe en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19
Decolonising Higher Education
Blockchain for education community of practice
Asean Youth Association
Contribuciones de los planes y programas de igualdad de genero en universidades de America Latina para los futuros de la Educacion Superior

Youth messages from Europe and Asia